“Made by an acupuncturist for his daughter's skin, and great for your skin too.”


Handcrafted Soap 4 oz.bar

Price Unavailable

This dry skin soothing soap contains shea butter, saponified olive, avocado, and coconut oils and is powered by 3 chinese herbs. NO colors, fragrances or anything else added. Your skin will thank you.

FOR PEOPLE WITH NUT ALLERGIES, THIS SOAP DOES HAVE SHEA BUTTER. The salve and the soap are not processed on the same equipment.


We removed one ingredient: palm oil. That’s it. No other ingredients were added. We've upped the percentage of olive oil a little. The product looks, smells and lathers the same or better. We've tested it and are very pleased with the results. Palm oil is used in most bar soaps to harden the bar, but is actually consider to be slightly drying. Our reformulated bar actually feels more emollient without it.

Learn more about why we reformulated here

Customer Reviews

by Natasha Murphy
Date Added: 09/30/2016

“My son has extremely bad eczema. I ordered my first bar of soap last week and my son hasn't cried or complained about bath time since using this soap. He usually cries and screams during his bath but his usually red skin even lightened right up after i got him out of the tub. I think it's worth the money! Made his skin look and feel better along with the skin soothers i use after every bath. It lathered nicely and he even admitted he felt better. This is unusual for him. I seriously suggest using all the emilys products. I have went through many brands and products trying to help my son and this stuff is amazing!!”

(5 out of 5 Stars) (5 out of 5 Stars)

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