“Made by an acupuncturist for his daughter's skin, and great for your skin too.”


Hot Skin Soother 1.8 oz. Jar

Price Unavailable

Our newest product designed to be soothing for all types of red, hot skin issues. Think of it to soothe hot, tired muscles, sweat rashes, heat rashes and issues in skin folds, armpit, groin, elbow and knee creases. It is unscented and made of just six natural ingredients: organic sunflower oil, beeswax, frankincense, red peony root, dictamnus root and phellodendron amurense bark.

Please let us know what you think and what you end up using it for and please send us your testimonials and feedback. We hope you find it lovely, soothing and effective.

Now also available in a convenient and 15% bigger 2.1oz stick.

Customer Reviews

by Deidre Manning
Date Added: 04/25/2015

“I was skeptical...but awesome! Psoriasis looks better than it ever has! Thank you!!!”

(5 out of 5 Stars) (5 out of 5 Stars)
by Caroline Luckraft
Date Added: 07/20/2015

“I love this product! I have had psoriasis for 25 years on my elbows. This is the best natural product I have ever used that has actually made a big difference. It has reduced by 70%. I also started taking Milk Thistle at the same time so I believe both are working together.”

(5 out of 5 Stars) (5 out of 5 Stars)
by Margaret O'FLAHERTY
Date Added: 09/04/2015

“I had to wear a clam shell brace for a fractured Humerus. Instead of wearing it for 6-8 weeks, it ended up for 20 weeks., due to non-Union - then Surgery. The heat rash was horrendous. Hydrocortisone cream prescribed by my Doctor gave little relief. I then discovered your Hot Skin Smoother. It cured the rash completely. I can't recommend this product enough. Thank you”

(5 out of 5 Stars) (5 out of 5 Stars)
by Natasha Murphy
Date Added: 09/30/2016

“My sons eczema is really bad, super dry to where it will crack and bleed, looks scaly and is really rough. It will become hot to the touch almost like he has a serious skin fever. This stuff works in less than five minutes and soothes the redness and feels normal again and not hot. The emilys products are the best I've ever used on him and i purchase these products over and over. I waited to review just in case it quit working like everything else we have tried. It hasn't stopped working! It's amazing! Worth the money!!!”

(5 out of 5 Stars) (5 out of 5 Stars)
by Tasha Gumpert
Date Added: 10/29/2016

“After doing careful research, we used this product for my mother going through radiation. She used aloe cream along with and every time she went for treatments tthe told her to keep doing whatever she was doing because it was definitely working! Her skin definitely looks affected, but it is not painful, and she is feeling really good about it. I'm so thankful we found this product. She will continue to use it until the skin is no longer affected. ,”

(5 out of 5 Stars) (5 out of 5 Stars)

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